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Jen’s books and workbooks are inspirational resources to help you conquer life’s journey.


Jennifer Zahari
Dec 11, 20231 min read
Live with Spunk!
I'm so excited to be kicking off my word-thought-quote series with everyone! The word of the week is - Â Spunk or Spunky!! When you look...
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Jennifer Zahari
Aug 23, 20237 min read
Dealing with Female hair loss and bald spots
Find tips and strategies for dealing with Female bald spots and hair loss.
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Jennifer Zahari
Jul 25, 20234 min read
Seven reasons to spend more time at the beach!
Seven reasons to spend more time at the beach.
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Jennifer Zahari
Aug 27, 20223 min read
Why you should make a decision?
I may be dating myself a bit on this one, but I’m a girl who grew up learning how to drive on a manual engine. If they were as readily...
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Jennifer Zahari
Aug 19, 20222 min read
What to do when comparison strikes?
Have you ever found yourself in a state of comparison? I know I certainly have through the years! And it's a significant area that I work...
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Jennifer Zahari
Dec 15, 20214 min read
Twelve steps to building self-love
Self-love is a key ingredient to being a healthy YOU! Negative self-talk and self-doubt can impact every area of our lives, move forward.
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Jennifer Zahari
Dec 2, 20214 min read
How to deal with Panic or Anxiety Attacks in the moment
Heart racing Throat tightening You want to run, but your legs are so shaky you can't even think about moving at that moment. Sweating...
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Jennifer Zahari
Nov 27, 20219 min read
Why 'Eat Less - Exercise More' is a HORRIBLE blanket answer for someone struggling to lose weight!
Now before you go reading this and getting ready to defend it, keep reading! As a woman who grew up overweight, tipping the scale at over...
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Jennifer Zahari
Jul 21, 20216 min read
Fifteen ways to help build confidence
Do you want to build more confidence in yourself? Are you ready to do the work? Read on to hear my top 15 suggestions to get started.
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Jennifer Zahari
Jul 12, 20216 min read
Twelve ways to turn around a "Sad" day
Feelings and emotions are normal and part of everyday life. What you do with them is the key to thriving! You can life a happier life.
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